Nine treatises in Arabic and/or Ottoman Turkish, on navigation and astronomy. 1 (1v-13v, margin): Rüb' ceyb-i Selimi, A treatise on the ceyp or quadrant, comprising an introduction (mukaddime) and 25 chapters (bāb). In Ottoman Turkish. The diagram on f 14r for finding the direction of prayer, headed ed-Dā'iret ül-Hindīyẹ li-vaż' il-ḳiblẹ, may be intended to accompany this work. Begins:. Besmelẹ el-Ḥamd li-Lllāh Rabb il-'Ālemīn ve ṣallà Llāh… Ve ba'd Bu risālẹ ceyb-i āfāḳī dimeklẹ müte'ārif olan āletiñ kị rüb'-i dā'irẹ aḳsāmındandır 'amel-lerini beyān ider. Nesta'līḳ. 25 lines. Subheadings and overlinings in red. 2 (14v-21v, margin): Vaż' el-evḳāt. In Arabic. A treatise on the use of muḳanṭarāt, written with the intention of remedying faults in existing works on the subject, by Muḥammed ibn Kātib Sinān al-Muvaḳḳit (see preface, f. 14v). This work comprises 25 brief bābs; the titles of those from 14 onwards were to have been added in red ink but are wanting. Begins:. Besmelẹ el-Ḥamd li-Llāh illezī tevaḥḥed bi-idāret il-eflāk id-devvārẹ 'alà ṭ-ṭabaḳāt ve teferred bi-isāret il-kevākib es-seyyārẹ 'alà d-daḳā'iḳ ve d-derecāt ve 'āmel el-insān bi-lüṭfih ve keremih. Nesta'līḳ. 25 lines. 3 (22v-39v): Kitāb ul-Kürret il-felekīyẹ. In Arabic. A treatise on globes (?), in 67 brief sections (bāb). The title is taken from the opening words of the text. Mainly written in a type of hybrid script in which some words are difficult to decipher, though the last few pages are in clearer nesta'līḳ. Red chapter headings in clear nesih. Begins:. Besmelẹ Házā Kitāb ul-Kürret il-felekīyẹ li-Ebī l-Aṣġar İsmā'īl bin ?? Ḳosṭā bin Lūḳā el-Yūnānī ve ḳīl li-Ebī l-Ḥasan bin 'Abd-ullāh bin Yaḥyà Ḳāl ?? efāżil a'azzek Üllāh fe-ṣoḥbetüh ve aḥibbetüh ve l-efāżil ƒī n-nās men kān 'inde Llāh mufażżalen ve fażl 'inde Llāh 'azz ve cell men kān kāmil el-fażīlẹ fī n-nefs ve l-beden. Cursive riḳ'a. 21 lines. 4 (42v-47v): Risālẹ 'an dā'iret il-mu'addel. In Arabic. A treatise on the use of the dā'irẹ, comprising a preface (muḳaddimẹ) and 12 brief sections (bāb). The above title is derived from the preface. The work was written at the instance of an Ottoman official in Tripoli/Trablus - probably the Lebanese rather than the Libyan city of that name. Begins:. El-Ḥamd li-Llāh illezī halaḳa l-leyl ve n-nehār ve ş-şems ve l-ḳamer ve besse āyātih fī l-arż ve semāvātih tebṣīreten li-ūlī l-baṣā'ir ve tezkireten li-ūlī n-naẓar Ve ṣ-ṣelāt ve s-selām … Ve ba 'd fe-lemmā teşerreftü bi-hidmet… ve melce' el-'ulemā ve kehf ül-fuḳarā…Muḥammed Beg kāfil il-memālik iṭ-Ṭrāblūsīyẹ ve nāẓir il-vilāyāt is-sulṭānīyẹ. Nesta'līḳ with rıḳ'ạ elements. 25 lines. Red text dividers. 5 (50r-51v): Risālẹ mūcizẹ 'alà l-ālet il-müsemmāt bi-s-Sikarīyẹ. Arabic. Brief treatise on an instrument known as the Şikerīyẹ (al-Shikariyya). The text consists of a preface (muḳaddimẹ) and ten very short sections (bāb). Begins:. Besmelẹ el-Ḥamd li-Llāh 'alà nu'mā'ih ve eşkürüh 'alà tevālī ālā'ih Ve üṣallī 'alà Seyyidinā Muḥammed ve 'ālà ālih ve ṣaḥbih ve sellem (sic) Ve ba'd fe-házih risālẹ mūcizẹ 'alà l-ālet il-müsemmāt bi-ş-Şikārīyẹ. Clear nesih. 21 lines. Red headings. 6 (52r-53v): Risālẹ 'alà l-kürre zāt il-kürsī muhtaṣirẹ. Arabic. Brief treatise comprising a muḳaddimẹ and 13 bābs. Begins:. Besmelẹ el-Ḥamd li-Llāh illezī halaḳa s-semāvāt ve l-arż ve naṣaba fīhā āyāt lil-mütefekkirīn Ve ṣ-ṣelāt ve s-selām … Ve ba'd fe-házih Risālẹ 'alà l-kürre zāt il-kürsī muhtaṣirẹ bi-iltimās ba'ż il-eṣdiḳā. Nesta'līḳ. 21 lines. 7 (54v-56r): Risālẹ fī l-'amel bi-t-tis'īnīyẹ zī l-aşi''ẹ ve l-medārāt. Partly in Arabic. A very brief description, in 11 sections (bāb), of the ceyb tis'īnīyẹ, a type of quadrant, and its applications. The above title has been derived from the preface. Begins:. Besmelẹ ve bih nesta'īn el-Ḥamd li-Llāh ve kefà ve ṣ-ṣelāt ve s-selām 'alà Muḥammed il-Muṣṭafà ve 'alà ālih ve eṣḥābih Fa-házih risālẹ fī l-'amel bi-l-ceyb it-tis'īnīyẹ zī l-aşi''ẹ ve l-medārāt müştemilẹ 'alà aḥad 'aşer bāben fe-l-aḳall fe-ammā rüsūmuhā fe-hiye niṣf ud-dā'irẹ. Rıḳ'ạ. 21 lines. 8 (56v-93v): Risālẹ-'i Usṭurlāb-i Selīmī. In Turkish. A treatise on the astrolabe, in 44 bābs. By Muṣṭafà ibn 'Alī el-Müveḳḳit. The contents list breaks off after the rubric heading of chapter 14. Begins:. Besmelẹ el-Ḥamd li-Llāh ellezī ca'ale ecell el-ālāt el-mīḳāt el-muvaṣṣile ilà l-ḳiblẹ ve l-evḳāt il-usṭurlāb fe-hüve ālẹ laṭīfẹ ve müderricẹ münīfẹ min enīfet il-esbāb Ve eşhedü en lā ilāhe illā Llāh… Ve ba'd Bu aḥḳer 'ibād İllāh Muṣṭafà bin 'Alī ül-müveḳḳit bi-l-cāmi' il-hāḳānī is-Selīmī. Table on f. 93v. Nesta'līḳ. 21 lines. 9 (94r-103v): Muhtaṣar fī ma'rifet it-taḳādüm. In Arabic. A treatise on precession (taḳādüm), in 30 brief sections (faṣl). The author is not named. In rıḳ'ạ script, somewhat rounded. 21 lines. There are illustrative tables or diagrams, in red, on f. 100r-101v. Begins:. Besmelẹ Házā Muhtaṣar fī ma'rifet it-taḳādüm müştemilen 'alā selāsīn faṣlen el-Faṣl ul-evvel fī taḳsīmāt il-cümel ve hüve 'alà tertīb ebced hevvez…. Hastily written, cursive rıḳ'ạ. 21 lines. Other contents: 54r, a note in Arabic on units of linear measurement, from fersah down to şe'r, giving for each unit the equivalent number of smaller units. Text 8 completed by 'Abd-ül-Ḥasan (sic) ibn Muḥammed at Istanbul, late Ramażān 976/mid to early March 1569.
Mecmuat resail fîhâ risalet ceyb'ül-afakı ve gayrühâ - مجموعه رسائل فيها رسالة جيب الآفاقى وغيرها.
This material is held atBritish Library Asia, Pacific and Africa Collections
- Reference
- GB 59 Or 16233
- Dates of Creation
- 16th century
- Language of Material
- Arabic Turkish
- Physical Description
- 9 texts 101 ff. Materials : Paper. Dimensions : 215 mm x 160 mm. Foliation : European and Ottoman, 101 ff. Ruling : No text boxes; margins of various dimensions. Script: Nesih, nastaliq and rıka. Ink : Primarily black ink, with catchwords, some marginalia and diagrams in red ink. Binding : Original brown morocco binding with stamped cartouches.
Scope and Content
Access Information
Not Public Record(s)