Administrative / Biographical History

Harris was a student at Owens College, where he won many medical prizes and scholarships. He received the MB from the University of London, and took the MD at the age of twenty for. He was a house physician at MRI and a resident medical officer at Monsall Hospital. In 1883 he attended lectures at the University of Würzburg, and was particularly interest in diseases of the throat. After working briefly at the Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford, he was appointed an assistant lecturer and demonstrator in pathology at Owens College, and pathologist to the MRI. In 1888 he was appointed to the honorary staff of MRI, and was a strong opponent of plans to move the Infirmary from its central Piccadilly site. He was president of both the Manchester Medical and Pathological Societies.

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See also MMC/1/HarrisT.