Correspondence with Joseph Montague Kenworthy, tenth Baron Strabolgi (1886-1953), naval officer and politician, relating to the provision by Scott of an introduction for Kenworthy to [Frederick Augustus] Voigt, journalist and author. Also included is correspondence relating to the publication of an article on sea law by Kenworthy in the Manchester Guardian, accompanied by internal memoranda relating to payment for the article. There is a request from Scott for an article by Kenworthy on the sale of British art and items of historical interest to America, and the need for a law to prohibit the export of British art.
There is correspondence relating to the provision by Kenworthy of full copies of correspondence between Kenworthy and Frederick Britten, congressman and chairman of the committee of naval affairs, relating to discussion of the naval cruiser bill of 1929, and of the need for two naval conferences, one on international sea law, and the other addressing naval shipbuilding, excerpts of which have been published in the Manchester Guardian in an article relating to British and American sea power and disarmament. [Copies of letters included].
GDN/A/K13/5 is an article by Kenworthy entitled 'Grabbing Hands Across the Sea; America's plunder of British art' in the Evening Standard, 1927.