Correspondence with Basil Kingsley Martin (1897-1969), political journalist and journal editor, relating to an offer of articles by Martin whilst on a visiting fellowship at Princeton University, of which a series is declined, but a single article on the differences between British and American Universities is accepted. There is an internal memo on a review in the Manchester Guardian of Martin's book: The triumph of Lord Palmerston: A study of public opinion in England before the Crimean War.
Also included is correspondence relating to the employment of Martin at the Manchester Guardian, with arrangements for a meeting between Scott and Martin, of a trial period of employment, and an offer of employment as a leader writer, with discussion of salary, holidays, notice period, start date, and the position and influence of the post, in terms of the selection of subject matter. There are letters of recommendation for Martin from [John Lawrence] Hammond, historian and journalist, L.T.H. [Leonard Trelawney Hobhouse? social philosopher and journalist], Graham Wallas, political psychologist and educationist, and [Harold Joseph] Laski, political theorist. There is information provided on Martin by [David] Mitrany, political scientist and journalist.
There is discussion of a proposed visit by Martin to Geneva to observe the League of Nations, and discussion of a potential article of impressions on the place and its organisation. Also included is a letter of credential for Martin in Geneva. There is discussion of arrangements for Martin's holidays, staffing arrangements whilst [J.G.] Hamilton, journalist, undergoes a series of operations, and an offer by Martin to go to Bulgaria to report on an earthquake, which is declined. Also included is correspondence relating to articles by Martin on unemployment, with discussion of the [Unemployment Committee], [James Henry] Thomas, and [Sir Oswald] Mosley, politician and fascist leader. There is discussion of Martin's suggestion that the Manchester Guardian propose that they [Unemployment Committee] would benefit from the inclusion of members of the Liberal Party, which is declined. There is a letter of credential for Martin as correspondent for the Manchester Guardian at the Millenary Celebrations in Iceland.
There is correspondence between Martin and E.T. Scott, relating to the decision not to renew Martin's contract, owing to the differences in their views. Also included are internal memoranda relating to Martin's acceptance of his dismissal, as he had been considering tendering his resignation, and discussion of his potential employment by the New Statesman. There is a request by Arnold Bennett, writer, for a reference for Martin for potential employment as editor of the New Statesman, which is provided. There is an enquiry by E.T. Scott for information on articles by [John Maynard] Keynes, economist, and the potential of coming to an arrangement for the English rights to articles of importance by Keynes which are published outside the New Statesman.
There is correspondence between Martin and W.P. Crozier, relating to discussion of the decision by Crozier to refuse to allow [Alexander] Werth, journalist, to continue to write for the New Statesman whilst employed by the Manchester Guardian.