Correspondence with Sir Percy Scott Worthington (1864-1939), architect, relating to the acceptance of a fee for [unknown] work performed by Worthington. Also included is discussion of Percy Scott Worthington's decision to decline to provide a sketch for the Royal Exchange, Manchester, owing to a desire not to compete with another firm, [Mills and] Murgatroyd, who have already drawn up plans for the building's extension. There is an expression of thanks for a report and article in the Manchester Guardian on a series of lectures on modern domestic architecture held at the University of Manchester, with discussion of the purpose of the lectures.
Also included is a copy letter to [Sir John Hubert?] Worthington (1886-1963), architect, relating to discussion of [a complaint by John Hubert Worthington] as to the coverage of the University of Manchester in the Manchester Guardian, in relation to that provided on the older universities.
GDN/A/W81/5 is an internal employment history index card for John Hubert Worthington, 1931.