[Chikamatsu shōhonshū] [近松正本集]

  • This material is held at
  • Reference
      GB 59 16104.b.20
  • Dates of Creation
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  • Physical Description
      27 volumes Condition: Generally good and free from worm damage. Impression: Variable, but in most cases sharp and clear. Many are shozuri or near. Seals of ownership: Oblong red seal of William George Aston, 英國阿須頓藏書, on front cover of each satsu. Also an oblong red seal, 此ぬし浮世本かき種彦 (seal of Ryūtei Tanehiko), on first page of Soga tora ga ishiusu, Kosode-uri and Nagamachi onna no harakiri. Other small stamps and seals passim. Manuscript notes: Extensive notes dated Bunka 13-15 文化十三~十五年 (1816-18), written and signed by Ryūtei Tanehiko 柳亭種彦, on mikaeshi of the following volumes: Aizomegawa, Sasaki senjin, Kosode-uri, Nagamachi onna no harakiri and Soga tora ga ishiusu (the latter not dated and lacking Tanehiko's signature). In addition, brief notes in red appear on mikaeshi of Imamiya no shinjū and Saimyōji-dono hyakunin jōrō, and a name and date, Bunka 7 (1810) on mikaeshi of Yamato Takeru no mikoto azuma kagami. Short notes by W. G. Aston in English are bound in at the head of each volume.

Scope and Content

Author/compiler: Chikamatsu Monzaemon 近松門左衞門, 1653-1725. Imprint: Some volumes contain a kanki, others not. Of those with kanki, only two are dated. Kanki of Aizomegawa 藍染川 (1684) and Sasaki senjin 佐々木先陣 read as follows: (1) 貞享元年七月中旬 / ・・・ / 太夫加賀掾 / 作者 門左衛門 / 二條通寺町西へ入町 / 山本九兵衛刋 (2) 貞享三年 [=1686] 丙寅七月吉日 / 京二條通寺町西へ入町 / 大坂高麗橋・・・ / 山本九兵衛板行. Description: 27 kan, 27 satsu in 3 boxes. Folios unnumbered. Sizes range between 21.8 x 15.5 and 22.7 × 16.5 cm. Fukurotoji. Blockprint. Printing frame variable. No borders or printed hanshin. Hiragana-majiri text, with printed dakuten and chanter's fushi. Number of lines to page varies from play to play, from 6 lines to 12. Variable number of characters to line. Blue, black, buff, green, etc., covers, some original, some renewed, mostly with embossed design. Original printed title slips on some front covers, renewed title slips in manuscript on others. Titles (see Contents below) from naidai at head of text in each volume. Edition: Although only the two works quoted under Imprint above contain dated kanki, it is likely that most works in this collection were published in Jōkyō (1684-88), Genroku (1688-1704) or Hōei (1704-11) periods. In 9 of the works the kanki is missing or illegible. In most of the rest, the publisher is named as Yamamoto Kyūbē 山本九兵衞 of Ōsaka (or Kyōto), in a few cases associated with Yamamoto Kyūemon 山本九右衞門. Dated kanki in jōruri shōhon texts of this period appear to be rare. Contents: A collection of shōhon 正本 (jōruri chanter's certified texts) of 27 jōruri plays by Chikamatsu Monzaemon, in the two categories jidaimono 時代物 and sewamono 世話物. The chanter's (太夫の) certificate is printed on the last page of each volume containing a kanki with publisher's name, preceding the kanki. In most cases the certificate is signed by Takemoto Chikugonojō 竹本筑後掾 (=Takemoto Gidayū I 竹本義太夫). Titles of plays in this collection are as follows: Aizomegawa 藍染川, Gojūnenki utanenbutsu 五十年忌歌念佛, Hakata kojorō nami-makura 博多小女郎波枕, Honryō Soga 本領曾我, Horikawa nami no tsuzumi 堀川波鼓, Imamiya no shinjū 今宮心中, Kazō Soga 加増曾我, Kosode-uri 小袖うり, Momijigari tsurugi no honji 栬狩劔本地, Nagamachi onna no harakiri 長町女腹切, Onna-goroshi abura no jigoku 女殺油地獄, Saimyōji-dono hyakunin jōrō 最明寺殿百人上﨟, Sasaki senjin 佐々木先陣, Shinjū kasane izutsu 心中重井筒, Shinjū nimai ezōshi 心中二枚繪草紙, Shume no hōgan Morihisa 主馬判官盛久, Soga tora ga ishiusu 曾我虎が磨, Tanba Yosaku 丹波與作, Tenjinki 天神記, Tsunokuni myōtoike 津國女夫池, Urashima nendaiki 浦島年代記, Yamato Takeru no mikoto azuma kagami 日本武尊吾妻鑑, Yamazaki Yojibē nebiki no kadomatsu 山崎與次兵衞壽の門松, Yodo-goi shusse no taki-nobori 淀鯉出世瀧德, Yoshino no miyako onna-kusunoki 吉野都女楠, Yūgiri Awa no Naruto 夕霧阿波鳴渡, and Tenji tennō 天智天皇.

Access Information

Not Public Record(s)


Acquisition Information

Acquired from the executors of the late W. G. Aston, 12 Oct. 1912.

Other Finding Aids

Kenneth Gardner, Descriptive Catalogue of Japanese books in the British Library printed before 1700 (London and Tenri, 1993). C. Japanese works 和書 8. Literature - poetry 国文-詩歌 d. Jōruri 浄瑠璃


Engeki hakubutsukan shozō jōruri-bon mokuroku 演劇博物館所蔵浄瑠璃本目録; Chikamatsu jōruri-bon shomoku 近松浄瑠璃本書目; Shōhon Chikamatsu zenshū 正本近松全集 (vol. 30 contains a facsimile reproduction of the BL copy of Shume no hōgan Morihisa, noted above); Nihon koten bungaku daijiten 日本古典文学大辞典, vol. 3, pp. 384, 393-7.