LRCP Edin 1860; MRCS Eng 1858; LSA 1857.
Sephton, of Wigan, gained his medical education at Manchester Royal School of Medicine and at MRI. He was medical officer and public vaccinator to various districts in the Warrington and Leigh Unions, and had a successful practice in Culcheth, near Warrington. Sephton was later honorary consulting surgeon to Leigh Infirmary. Sephton was a member of the BMA, the Society of Medical Officers of Health, and Manchester Medical Society. He was medical referee and medical officer to a number of associations and clubs. He was probably brother to Robert Sephton (see below), and father to Richard Burrows Sephton (see below). The date of 1915 for the death of Richard Sephton has been taken from the obituary for Richard Burrows Sephton.