Dear Miss Leroy, I will have a M S sent to you for a trial - All I want is a kindly & helpful judgement -an educational judgement - on the structure of the work - the management of dialogue - characters. [i. e.] a private tutor's judgement - as for length - it is not an article ___ our ___. & you would be guided by your own feeling - you have something to convey to the author -written as lengthy or in brief is your own business to decide. Don't be sacred to speak out - I am sure you will speak out kindly, if firmly - Your [criticisms?] are all the better for ___ness of speech if it is not spiteful or _________one. Very sincerely yours Waltur Besant.
Printed on the paper in black: 'TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS ANOTHER, LONDON' [in the left-hand corner, printed diagonally]. 'INCORPORATED SOCIETY OF AUTHORS, 4, Portugal Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, WC.' [right hand side of the page]. 'LORD TENNYSON, DCL, PRESIDENT, WALTER BESANT, CHAIRMAN, S. SQUIRE SPRIGGE, BA, SECRETARY' [left hand side of the page]