"Sonate per due Flauti Travso: / e Violoncello / Di N: D: F:".
Parts. The composer remains unidentified - recent research by Maria Grazia Melucci and Stephen M. Shearon suggests these [post 1700?] sonatas are unlikely to be the work of Nicola Fago, "il Tarantino". The title-page of each part is inscribed "No 115 e 120"; "Flauto Pmo: (Flauto 2do: Violoncello)" / "No 7" / "Sonate Per due Flauti Travso: e Violoncello Di N: D: F:" No casing, no wrapper. 10-stave MS paper. In a single hand throughout. The parts are distributed as follows: 1st fl (vol. 27), 2nd fl (vol. 28), vc (vol. 29). Cataloguing details are taken from the 1st flute volume.