Volume of manuscripts titled "No. 15".
Score. Italian arias and cantatas (early 18th century) by G. F. Handel (1685-1759), Giuseppe Maria Orlandini (1676-1760), Giovanni Porta (c. 1690-1755), Francesco Mancini (1672-1737), Francesco Bartolomeo Conti (1681-1732) and Giovanni Battista Bassani (c. 1650-1716). Some 17th century motets by Giacomo Carissimi (1605-1674) and anonymous. The bass is usually figured. The instrumentation is sometimes indicated at entrance points, but is not given at the beginning of each piece. The title is etched in ink on the front cover. Casing: leather with blind tooling. Inner front cover inscribed "H Mackworth / Gnoll". Volume reversed from ff. 28-40. Folio between 8 and 9 has been removed: remains of clefs can be seen. Folios removed after f. 40. 10-stave MS paper. In three hands: 1) ff. 1-13; 2) ff. 14-18; 3) ff. 29-40.