A Meditation Touching the Entity of Creatures in Reference to the Divine Essence

Scope and Content

Manuscript item bound in a volume of printed pamphlets.

Dedicatory Epistle is dated from Lees Priory, June 16, 1657, and is addressed: 'Most honored Lady' [probably Lady Mary Rich]. It is signed 'Your Ladiships true & faithfull servant, J. Gauden'. The first line of the Dedicatory Epistle reads: 'Its high time for mee to indeavour to satisfie both my owne ingagement, and your Ladiships expectation, about that question of the being of things in respect of the divine essence'. The Dedicatory Epistle ends: 'Whatever it is, a suppliant now it is for yo[u]r Ladiships favourable censure & acceptance ; as a small testimony of that greate and honorable esteeme & affection, which y[ou]r worth & merits have & ever must obtaine from hym who is nothing yt. hee bee not'.

First line of main text reads: 'Question propounded / whether the essence or being of all created things, purely considered ...'. The text ends incompletely: '... that by these wee may learne & know the mind & will of the Speaker ; and both adore that hys infinite wisdome, power, & goodnes wh[ich] wee see manifested in that word of hys creatures ; and also believe that truth, mercy & love wh[ich] wee hear & read in the other word of the ho: Scriptures'.

There are many amendments and additions to the text in Gauden's hand.

Listed in the manuscript contents list on the first flyleaf of the volume as: 'A Meditation touching the Entity of Creatures in reference to the Divine Essence'.