Photocopy of an autograph letter signed from Anna Brodsky to Nina Grieg

Scope and Content

Anna writes to Nina as she sits under the fragrant firs while not far away the orchestra plays waltzes by Johann Strauss. Anna writes that she and Adolph wish to enjoy some of the modern composers, Debussy, Max Reger, Delius, etc., but what they have heard gives them no desire to hear more. Anna asks Nina to tell her what she thinks of Delius as a composer and as a person. Anna understands that Nina is thinking of coming to visit the Brodskys and Anna informs her that they will be back on the first of October. Nina may have the guest room upstairs which has had electric light installed. They will find a room for Tonny in the neighbourhood. Adolph wants to go to Bayreuth [just 3 hours away] to see their favourite Wagner opera Meistersinger conducted by Richter. [100 crowns for a ticket purchased in Marienbad, but Richter managed to buy one for him in Bayreuth for 20 marks]. Richter would like to come and see them the following day. Anna thinks he may be wanting to conduct a few concerts in Manchester the next winter. Marie Richter wrote a card asking Anna to go to Bayreuth with Adolph but Anna does not want to interrupt her cure. Anna continues this letter a couple of days later after Richter's visit. No business was mentioned and the purpose of this journey was not clear. Richter is renting a house in Bayreuth for himself and his family. The original letter is dated 9 Aug 1911, and it is unclear when this photocopy was made.