Loose material from Hugh MacDiarmid: a festschrift, ed. K.D. Duval and Sydney Goodsir Smith (Edinburgh: K.D. Duval, 1962), comprising:
- /1 Cutting: 'Thistle stop tour', an unattributed review of Hugh MacDiarmid, ed. Duncan Glen [1972]; from an unidentified publication.
- /2 Cutting: 'Active volcano', a review by Neal Ascherson of The letters of Hugh MacDiarmid, ed. Alan Bold; from the Observer Review (2 September 1984).
- /3 Cutting: 'Mr Macdiarmid and Dr Grieve', an unattributed review of Duncan Glen's Hugh MacDiarmid and the Scottish Renaissance and Kenneth Buthley's Hugh MacDiarmid; from the Times Literary Supplement (31 December 1964).
- /4 Cutting: 'MacDiarmid at 75', text of a Third Programme radio talk by Edwin Morgan; from The Listener (10 August 1967).
- /5 Small snippet of a poem attributed to George Barker, "We see that all / The woes of the Scot..." (which was clipped to piece /6).
- /6 Cutting: 'Language of the North Briton', unattributed review of MacDiarmid's Collected poems, the Festschrift volume and MacDiarmid's The kind of poetry I want; from the Times Literary Supplement (10 August 1962).
- /7 Cutting: 'Dialect and the dialectic', review by A. Alvarez of MacDiarmid's Collected poems and the Festschrift; from the Observer Weekend Review (12 August 1962).
- /8 Cutting: 'Fighting words', article by Alex Neish on MacDiarmid, printed alongside 'MacDiarmid on MacDiarmid', a piece by the poet himself, from the Guardian (22 February 1962).
- /9 Two-page copy typescript of a poem, 'Scotia (In Memoriam Hugh MacDiarmid)' by John Montague (n.d.)
All pieces inserted inside front cover.