These are Ampex one-inch tape reels, each in its container which is approximately 30cms in diameter. The reels are labelled thus:
- 1 E90 10/1970. ES Master tape. Supervisor 1 - 700; Tests 701 - 1000; Semi-compiled supervisor: 1050 - 1295; Fixed Store 1350 (16 blocks)
- 2 2/10; Master Supervisor M1; No. blocks: 750; date = 23/2/1967.
- 3 2/7 SUP No. of blocks = 752; Date = 23/2/67;
- 4 ES2; E76T; Semi-sup at following dates: 10/12/68; 2/4/69; 10/4/69; 7/69; 10/70.
- 5 2/9; 752 blocks; 14/4/67
- 6 MUSE Supervisor 4/4/1/66
- 7 2/5. 25/7/67. 738 blocks.
- 8 Eng DT. No. of blocks: 550; date = 22/2/67.
- 9 E211T; Master tests ENG MT; 4K WS test. On H/S 2.0. 16/1/66.
- 10 ES Harwell tests. E75T.
- 11 Ampex tape reel without its case; un-labelled. (Possibly unused).