(i) pp.1-408 Arguments (in Latin) bearing on the quaestiones set for the Oxford Acts, etc.
(ii) pp.409-450 blank
(iii) pp. 451-494 Desunt
(iv) pp. 495-520 Blank
(v) pp.521-526 Desunt
(vi) pp.529-532 "index Quaestionum"
(vii) pp. 533-534 "Theses in Societate Mertonensi discussae..."
(viii) "I was married to Anne Morgan Novemb. 9th. Matrimonio jung. Camr. Novemb.9, 1647".
The references in (viii) seem to point to Dr Robert Morgan, Bishop of Bangor (1666-1673) as the writer. His wife's name was Anne, and it is asserted that Dr Morgan spent a good deal of his time during the Puritan interregnum at Henblas. (D.N.B. xxxix, 26) the home of his wife's uncle Owen LLoyd (J.E.Griffiths: 'Pedigrees', 122), though it is somewhat difficult to understand why he should leave the rectory of Llanddyfnan, which was allowed to remain undisturbed in his possession till 1660. Morgan was a Cambridge man (Jesus), which does not make it easy to explain the references to Merton College, Oxford, on pp.533-534. And who was the Henry Vaughan who has written his name on p.538, and has made several artistic shots at the letter V on p. 539?