1. John Pritchard of the co. boro’ of Carmarthen gent. and Penelope his wife, formerly wife of Jenkin John of the same place, gent, merchant.
2. Griffith Beynon of the same place, Mercer, and Jane his wife, daughter of Penelope and Jenkin John aforesaid.
GRANT of the life interest of [1]. in a mess. in the occupation of Jevan David Willym, mess. and garden in the tenure of Hugh Nicholas, mess. late in the tenure of Lewis Hugh (except the parcell of land which Jenkin David ap Je[?]Philip, late grandfather of the said Jenkin John purchased of John Gravell, but also the mess. and house erected on the said parcel of land) ...a water corn grist mill with a house nearby and two closes of land late in the occupation of Hopkin Lewis, miller, a close of land late in the tenure of John david Willym ...a close of land late in the tenure of William Bynon tann, deceased, two closes of lands by the weyndew late in the tenure of Phillipp ap Jevan, tucker, and two acres of land in the occupation of John Lewis ap Rees parry, all in the co. boro’ of Carmarthen.
Consideration: £40
2nd January 1615/16.