De Coronatore: Papers relating to the Dismissal of a Lincolnshire Coroner

Scope and Content

A volume of papers relating to the dismissal of Mr Charles Henry Holgate of Kirton in Lindsey as coroner for Lincolnshire in 1865, and to the appointment of Thomas Oldman as his replacement. Papers include depositions and other legal records, newspaper cuttings, letters, petitions, and printed election posters. Holgate was dismissed for indecent and improper conduct.

According to William Blackstone, Commentaries on the laws of England, "A coroner may be removed by the writ de coronatore exonerando, for sufficient cause assigned, or the lord chancellor may, if he thinks fit, remove any coroner from his office for inability or misbehaviour in the discharge of his duty. Extortion, neglect, or misbehaviour, are also made causes of removal."