Yorkshire Educational Association for the Building Industry, Conferences

Scope and Content

Papers relating to the YEABI Annual Conference and the biannual YEABI and North Western Educational Association for the Building Industry (NWEABI) Joint Conference.

1. YEABI Conference Luncheon, 13 June 1958. Theme ‘The new outlook for building education’. Financial statement, invitation, menu, correspondence, tickets, talks and toast speech.

2. YEABI/ NWEABI Conference 12 July 1958. Theme: ‘You Can’t Turn the Clock Back’. Letters, booking form, programmes, menu. Includes information on the launch of ‘Digest’ and a conference report.

3. YEABI Conference, 1959. Theme: ‘A new approach to Craft Training.’ Menus, tickets, invitations, application forms, correspondence, programmes, list of delegates and speakers, invitation, map, YEABI Secretary’s Annual Report 1958/1959, invoices, notes, conference papers.

4. YEABI / NWEABI Joint Conference 1960. Theme: Training and Education in the Building Industry ‘Builders of the Future’. Conference report, meeting minutes, programme, correspondence, speakers’ biographies, invitations, YEABI meeting minutes, menu, lists of guests and delegates.

5. ‘Builders of the Future’ Report of the Joint Conference of the YEABI and NWEABI, 25 June 1960 (2 copies, 1 spiral bound).

6. YEABI Annual Conference, June 1961. Theme: ‘The Development of Day Release’. Circulars, conference report related papers, booking forms, discussion notes and discussion points, conference papers, letters, tickets, notes, map, statistics and report on day release vs block release pilot project, draft Hon. Secretary’s report on 1960-1961.

7. YEABI Conference 28th June 1963: Mr Burgess’ Paper, ‘The Ordinary National Diploma Course in Building’ 1943-1963.

8. YEABI Conference 28th June 1963: Mr Gooderson’s Paper, ‘The Grammar School Leavers’ Attitude to Building’, Mr Alexander’s Paper, ‘Other Full Time Courses’.

9. YEABI Annual Conference 28th June 1963. Theme: ‘The Advantages of Full Time Training for Building Students’. Invitation, speeches, letters, discussion questions, menu, application forms, summary of courses, conference ‘who’s who’, programmes, invitations, tickets.

10. YEABI / NWEABI Joint Conference – Applications for Tickets. Lists of names and addresses, records of payments received and tickets despatched, application forms, tickets, letters, programme for the YEABI/ NWEABI Conference. 27 June 1964

11. YEABI/ NWEABI Joint Conference. Theme: 'New Developments in Building Education and Training'. 27 June 1964. Conference programmes, seating plan, letters, speeches, speakers’ biographies, tickets, application forms, invitations.

12. Annual Conference 3rd July 1965. Theme: ‘The Work of the Construction Industry Training Board’. Application forms, invitations, letters, sales figures, programme, seating plan. Includes material for Joint Conference of 1966.

13.. YEABI/ NWEABI Joint Conference. Theme: ‘Selection, Education and Training for Management and Supervision in the Construction Industry’. 2 July 1966. Report of the 1966 Biennial Joint Conference of the North Western and Yorkshire Educational Associations for the Building Industry, letters, programme.

14. YEABI and Joint YEABI/ NWEABI Conferences file. 1960-1963. Completed application forms, programmes, and tickets.

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Original available for consultation by appointment