Interview covers 1970s-2018.
[Track 1] [00:00:09] Martin Stott outlines how he first came to be involved in the worker co-op movement through The Political Ecology Research Group (PERG) and their involvement in the Public Inquiry on the Windscale (Sellafield). [04:43] Outlines the aims of PERG. [06:41] Discusses PERG in further detail including: member numbers, decision making, member relations. Talks about wider reactions to the work of PERG. [00:17:36] Talks about when and how PERG wrapped up. [00:21:09] Talks about work following PERG focusing on industrial democracy, worker co-op and trade union work including: TUIREG, the Trade Union International Research and Education Group at Ruskin College, Oxford; The Co-operative Research Unit at the Open University; and the Greater London Enterprise Board. [00:25:21] Mentions work sponsored by the Quaker Peace and Service in Bhopal, India, following the disaster at the Union Carbide plant. Talks about work with the Old Bakehouse Trust, a community workspace in Oxford. [00:28:44] Talks about work campaigning for the establishment of, and then working for Oxfordshire Co-operative Development Agency (CDA). [00:30:04] Outlines the reasons for Conservative support in establishing the CDA. [00:31:58] Discusses the presence of other CDA's within the UK. [00:33:20] Talks in more detail about work within the Oxfordshire CDA.
[Track 2] [00:00:00] Discusses the duration of Oxfordshire CDA.
[Track 3] [00:00:00] Discusses the winding up of Oxfordshire CDA. [00:02:37] Talks about differences in CDA's across the UK. [00:05:12] Talks about career following involvement in Oxfordshire CDA including urban regeneration and economic development for Oxfordshire County Council; and Environment Director in Warwickshire. Also discusses freelance writing. [00:07:56] Discusses work with the Greater London Enterprise Board. [00:16:09] Briefly mentions work conducted with the University of Bremen, Germany.