Corporate records: Agreements, articles and share formation 1802-1969; minutes 1865-1981; Board and Committee papers 1882-1978; AGM papers 1864-1981; correspondence 1805-1978, copy out-letter books 1859-1946, miscellaneous 1805-1978). Share records: share transfers 1864-1979; dividend books and warrants 1897-1953; other share records 1864-1977.
Financial records: Profit and loss accounts 1865-1940; balance sheets 1865-1947; annual accounts - related papers 1893-1974; private ledgers 1856-1892; private cash books 1863-1961; private journals 1894-1959; journals 1864-1973; ledgers 1865-1944; cash books 1879-1970; sales day books 1925-1935; bill books, etc 1818-1975; solicitors' bills 1846-1950; debentures 1866-1936; banking records 1868-1940; agents' and branch accounts 1872-1975; investments 1904-1938; cash paid books 1926-1933; cash received books 1928-1933; petty cash accounts 1928-1975; miscellaneous 1830-1978.
Stock records 1814-1978.
Production and sales records (home and overseas): business reference books 1850s-1930s; print registers 1860s-1927; costs and calculations 1865-1952; warp order books 1878-1931; pattern books 1888-1968; print order books 1896-1919; [order books] 1921-1931; returns and credits 1927-1931; canvas and roller accounts 1929-1932; mercerising department 1946-1948; terms of payment books 20 century; miscellaneous 1851-1977; America 1855-1979; Australia 1885-1974; France 1895-1969; New Zealand 1914-1943; Canada 1922-1972; South Africa 1940-1968; Crossley Carpets (Western Germany) Limited, etc 1957-1978; Crossley Carpets (Scandinavia) 1961-1976; miscellaneous foreign trade 1853-1973.
Plant and property records 1853-1978 (plans 1855-1937; insurance and valuations 1878-1978, and miscellaneous records 1853-c1972).
Legal records: title deeds 1621-1978;executorship records 1807-10-6; patents, licences, etc 1833-1973
Employee records: personnel records 1839-1978; wages and salaries c1865-1980; staff associations and services 1844-1969 (including Mutual Benefit Society 1844-1914; Dean Clough Library and Institute 1859-1941; Union records 1919-1965; Dean Clough Mills Welfare Society 1929-1938; Canteen 1941-1968; Male Staff Association 1950s-1963; Crossleys Carpets Works Band 1950-1969).
Promotional material: photographs and illustrations 1803-1960s; exhibitions and awards 1853-1967; brochures, articles, etc 1903-1964).
Crossley and Porter Orphanage c1842-1893
Halifax Light Operatic Society 1924-1972
Hebble Brook Owners and Occupiers 1925-1957
Ovenden Worsted Company Limited: Articles and minutes 1871-1906; correspondence 1872-1904; share records 1874-1906; cash books 1866-1904; sales books 1866-1900; purchase books and invoices 1866-1901; petty cash accounts 1866-1900; copy invoice books 1889-1903; stock records 1867-1901; cost books 1866-1897; worsted spinning accounts 1866-1901; yarn orders 1871-1902; agents' accounts, etc 1876-1902; piece order books c1879-1897; returns and credits books 1884-1903; spinning sales books 1889-1903; mill order books 1891-1897; Manchester orders, etc 1891-1898; plant and property records 1867-c1903; legal records c1803-C1914; employees' records 1866-1904).
Sharleston Coal Company Limited/New Sharlston Collieries Company Limited 1850s-1947.
Robert Crossley and Company 1861-1866.
Russian Carpet Company 1887-1933.
Spur Doubling Mill Limited, Stockport, 1919-1968.
W and R K Lee Limited/John Crossley and Sons (Croslee Yarns) Limited/Crossley Yarns Limited, Sowerby Bridge 1936-1982.
Kosset Carpets Limited, Brighouse 1954-1981.
Other companies 1957-1980.