- Album entitled 'Trades Union Congress, Hull' from 1924, that also includes family photographs, images taken in Southport and from Purcell's trip to Moscow in 1924
- Album of [family photographs] and postcard depicting noted individuals, including Tom Mann, James Connolly, James Larkin, Victor Grayson, William Morris, Ernest Jones, Karl Liebknecht
- theatre programme for a production of the 'Meiry Wifes of Windsor' at the Roustweli Theatre, Moscow
- Album of obituaries taken from newspapers following Purcell's death
- Framed photograph of A.A.Purcell
- Publication dedicated to Purcell: 'Scenes from a Soviet Life', P and Z Coates, 1936
- Album mainly of Purcell family photographs, but also includes an image of American Socialist Lawyer and left-wing activist Robert Haberman and images from Purcell's trip to Moscow in 1924