1. Visit to London including Tower of London and St. Paul's.
2. Mainly family at home, and on holiday (?Lake District, Scotland), two weddings at Rhyl English Methodist Church, putting green, punch and judy at Rhyl, sheep dog trials, Snowdon train.
3. Mainly family, snow in ?1947, ?Berlin and US Army trucks, two weddings, girl guides camp, Crosville Motor Services fire.
4. Canterbury Cathedral, London (colour); holiday in ?Lake District, Dolwen mill, laying foundation stone of Ysgol Llewelyn, Chester Zoo, Llangollen Eisteddfod (shake on film).
5. Professionally made comic film.
6. Family.
7. Mainly family: wedding, snow (?1947), bowling green (very dark).
8. Mainly family: view of coast, bowling green, schoolboys/in classroom (part in colour) (shake on film).
9. Mainly family: wedding etc. (dark).
10. Mainly family: landscape(?) North Wales, school sports day, Henley Regatta, London including Festival of Britain, ?Scottish Holiday, flooding at ?Rhyl, wedding.
11. Professionally made: V.E. Day.
12. Other family films, 1940s-1950s (8 reels).
Temporarily deposited by Mr. Parry 14 May 1986; returned to him in 1988.