One box containing miscellaneous manuscript papers, including:
- A Report, in German, on Moravian Work and Workers (imperfect), c 1746 (2 folios.);
- Br. Fred. Watteville' s Discourse kept in Herrenhuth, Augst 13th, 1761, he being an Eye-Witness of the Baptism of Spirit which was poured out upon our Church on this day in the Year 1727 (2 folios);
- Mirfield Congregation: Instructions to be communicated... to Brethren and Sisters who have applied for Reception into the Congregation of the United Brethren... Compiled by the Brn. Wm. Foster and Lewis West, 1798-99 (18 folios);
- An Abridgement of the Rules and Orders of the Brethren's Congregations , 19th century (12 folios);
- The Statutes of the Protestant Church of the United Brethren, as again confirmed at the last Synod, 1801 (14 folios);
- A Brief View of the Constitution Doctrine and Discipline of the Church of the United Brethren [by J.K. Martyn], c 1819 (16 folios).