Minutes of the meetings of the Denby Dale and Cumberworth Branch Labour Party from June 1984 to July 1988. The minutes record the issues discussed, actions taken and decisions made at each meeting. This includes committee admin such as the election of members, applications of new party members, correspondence received and sent and the organisation of various events to raise money for the party. The committee's involvement with local issues, such as road closures, sewage works, building proposals and schools; and with wider Labour Party issues such as campaigning for the local, County Council and general elections are also noted in the minutes. The committee received talks from various prospective Parliamentary candidates, most frequently Ann Taylor, as well as councillors and other influential political figures such as Tam Dayell. The minutes also record a number of resolutions agreed upon by the Constituency Labour Party to be reported to the party at the next AGM or General Committee Meeting.
Minutes record the Constituency Labour Party's reaction to a number of local and national events. There is a resolution recorded the all members of the Kirklees Labour Group should 'put the overall interests of the Party before the interests of any one section' which is raised in response to reported divisions in the Labour Party. It is also minuted that a collection was held for the Miners' Hardship Fund at the conclusion of each meeting and that the committee would like to organise something to raise money for the anti-apartheid movement. There is also a mention that schools in Dewsbury had been threatened by the BNP (British National Party) and the National Front and discussion relating to a letter the Party received from an Iranian student concerning the cruelty of the Khomeini regime.