Minutes of the meetings of the Denby Dale Parish Co-Ordinating Committee Labour Party from 1975 to 1987. The Co-Ordinating Committee was made up of all the individual members of the party in the electoral ward. The purpose of the committee, as stated in the minutes, was to short list candidates for the local elections, co-ordinate the work of branch committees in election campaigns, organise propaganda work for local government and arrange fund raising and social activities. This minute book dates from the inaugural meeting of the Denby Dale parish Labour Party Co-Ordinating Committee during which the purpose of the committee and its protocols were decided upon and the first officers were elected. It was resolved that members were to be encouraged to attend Union meetings and to look out for new members for the Party.
The minutes include reference to a speech received from Peter Hardy MP regarding the 1974/1975 Parliamentary Session, discussions of the boundary changes proposed by the Kirklees Council which would impact upon Denby Dale, much discussion of the preparation and canvassing for elections and the proposed candidates for both the Kirklees District Council and the Parish Council. There is also reference to the possibility of starting a Young Socialist Group in the area.
Notable resolutions minuted by the Committee include a statement expressing their approbation of the Tory controlled Kirklees Council's suggestion that they were considering the abolition of free school transport for children living over 2 miles from school. The Co-Ordination Committee felt that would "cause great hardship in this rural area". In June 1978 there was a resolution passed to be included in the next election manifesto that the next Labour government would 'assist the unions to establish a minimum wage below which no worker shall fall'.
Changes within the establishment of the local branches were also noted. In 1982 the Emley branch wrote to say their membership was too small to sustain the branch party. It was suggested that Emley, Clayton West and Scissett merge into one party. In 1987 however it became clear that this too was inadequate and so this newly merged group was absorbed by the Skelmanthorpe branch.