1. John Oakley of the county borough of Carmarthen, Alderman.
2. Elizabeth Owens of Llanarthney, spinster.
LEASE for a year of a messuage or half burgage, curtilege, stable and garden in Geldstreete otherwise Kerrstreete, in Carmarthen, now In occupation of Mary Oakley mother of lessor, the said properties are bounded by the properties of the Earl of Carbery, gelstreete, and the common or waste ground called Ye Gorse; and he also leases a barn called Scibor Robin with four closes of ground called (1) Erw Pantell and (2) Berwyn (both of which contain about 4 Welsh acres) adjoining the mountain called Keven Berwyn alias Berwyn hill, and (3) a close at Pant Berwyn (about 1 Welsh acre) and known as Erw Pant Berwyn, and (4) Hey Parke. To be held for one year at a pepper corn rent.
Witnesses: John Scurlocke. George Lewis. James Davies.