John Constable Research

Scope and Content

In the 1930s W.G. Constable began to collect material and conduct research on the artist John Constable. The content and arrangement of the resulting files - which is very similar to those pertaining to the Richard Wilson text - suggests that the intention was to compile and publish a comprehensive catalogue on the artist. The files do not reveal whether Constable ever secured a publisher, but by 1955 ít is clear that the project would not be realised. In a letter to E. Parsons, Constable records that 'At one time I had the hope of writing [a book]; but I've had to decide that I'm very unlikely to have the time and opportunity to do the thorough job required; so the hope has disappeared' (Ref no WGC/2/3/1). Although Constable continued to collect material concerning John Constable until 1960s, his work on the artist was never published.


The files remain in their original order.

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