Evan John Jones was a student and lecturer at University College Cardiff, and from 1947 to 1956 was Professor of Education in University College Swansea. He published a number of books, including: The history of education in Wales (1931), Llyfr dysgu Lladin (1933), Medieval Heraldry (1943), Buchedd Sant Martin (1945) all of which are held in the Library.
Notes, notebooks, letters, postcards and photographs. Many of the notes and extracts are on the Psalms in Welsh, Latin and Hebrew, and include photocopies of 16th and 17th century editions of the Psalms.
The collection also holds material relating to William Salesbury (1520?-1584?) and his translations of the Psalms, including a typescript copy of The baterye of the Popes botereulx (1550) and extracts from other works.