The International Council of Museums (ICOM) was established in 1947 as an international organisation representing museums and the museum profession.
Philip Hendy was President of ICOM 1959-1965. He attended many ICOM conferences after his resignation from The National Gallery and was appointed Honorary Member of the ICOM Conservation Committee in 1969. He was also president of the ICOM Foundation from 1968-c1973. The Foundation was set up in 1965 to provide financial support for ICOM and to promote ICOM and the international museum profession
The World Museum Fund was incorporated in the UK in 1969 to improve the quality, performance and image of the world's museums, and to promote co-operation between them. It was established in connection with ICOM, but as a separate entity
This series includes agendas, agenda papers and minutes, conference papers, reports, rules and statutes, correspondence and publications. Many ICOM papers are written in French and English, with some items in French only