1 - 25 Luker family and others
26 - 41 Luker children
42 - 81 Luker family and friends
82 - 87 Bushey school, 1900 - 1903
88 - 94 Burrell family
95 - 111 Philip Burrell's travels in Mexico and Cuba
112 - 120 The Boer war, 1898 - 1902
121 - 122 Philip Burrell's business in Africa
123 - 130 The Glendenhius estate
131 - 136 Other Africans
137 - 140 Chinese in Africa
141 - 148 Postcards of Africa
149 - 153 Louie Luker
154 - 187 Louie Luker in Africa
188 - 296 Philippa Burrell
297 - 403 Canada, 1912 - 1916
404 - 444 California, 1916 - 1919
445 - 543 England, 1919 - 1926
544 - 585 India, 1928 - 1929
586 - 587 Ada Luker's death, 1930
588 - 628 England, 1933 - 1937
629 - 632 New York, 1938
633 - 639 The War, 1939 - 1945
640 - 724 Post war
725 - 731 Laverock Hall, 1960 - 1964
732 - 952 Louie Burrell's work
732 - 780 Miniatures, 1899 - 1915
781 - 788 Luker family miniatures
789 - 813 Water-colour portraits, miniatures on paper
814 - 820 Drawings
821 - 830 Landscapes
831 - 892 Oil portraits
893 - 894 Ada Lukers work
895 - 911 Royalty and eminent people
912 - 952 Exhibitions
953 - 984 Miscellaneous