- /1 notebook 1 st year Chemistry Practical Oct 1930
- /2 notebook 2nd year practical chemistry 1932
- /3 notebook Organic chemistry n.d.
- /4 notebook 1st year honors 1931
- /5 notebook unidentified chemistry 1932
- /6 notebook Chemistry III non-metals/Enzymes
- /7 notebook Practical organic chemistry n.d.
- /8 notebook Physics IIIb n.d.
- /9 notebook Physics IIIb n.d.
- /10 notebook Chemistry of metals n.d.
- /11 notebook Physics 'light' 1931/2
- /12 notebook Physical chemistry Vb n.d.
- /13 notebook Higher organic chemistry n.d.
- /14 notebook Physical chemistry n.d.?
- /15 notebook Physics advanced 'Heat' n.d.
- /16 notebook Physical chemistry 1931/2..
- /17-18 notebooks Organic chemistry VIII n.d.
- /19 notebook Chemistry of Aromatic compounds n.d.
- /20 notebook chemistry unidentified 1936
- /21 notebook Terpenes n.d.
- /22 notebook Organic chemistry n.d.
- /23 notebook unidentified chemistry 1940.
- /24 notebook unidentified chemistry n.d..
- /25 notebook medical n.d.
- /26 notebook medical -operations
- /27 notebook medical
- /28 notebook medical
- /29 summary of Pharmacology research, 1947.
- /30 notebook bibliography n.d.
- /31 research notebook 1970-1972.