Documents kept by the New Atlantis Foundation created by or relating to:
- Valerie Cooper
- Cecil Eastgate
- Winifred Gordon Fraser
- Sir Patrick Geddes
- John Harker
- Clive Lane and Hilda Lane
- Violet MacDermot
- Christopher Mayne and Ellen Mayne
- Orion Playfair
- John Cowper Powys
- Harry Rutherford
- Eileen Ryan
- Jessrajsingh Seesodia
- David Shillan
- Frederick Soddy
- Helen Soden
- Watson Thomson
- Iris Tree
- Ralph Twentyman
- Dorothy Wrugh
- Unidentified authors and papers by multiple group members.
Includes lectures, articles, press cuttings, charts, pamphlets, notes (particularly recording the teachings of Dimitrije Mitrinović, or recording group matters), reports, poems, leaflets and particularly letters by and sent to Mitrinović's contacts and those who became involved with the New Atlantis Foundation. Includes material relating to Art, Crafts, Dance and Movement.