i. small book of memoranda re. arranging meetings, interviewing "shaky" voters, finding out whereabouts of migrators, lodgers etc. Mysterious references to a more private book where voters are put down as 7b, 398b, and so on. Affords an excellent sidelight into the activities of a wide-awake organiser.
ii-iii.Two bundles specifying the expenses incurred by Mr Henry Lewis and others on behalf of Mr Lloyd George's candidature. At the end of it are three englynion signed "J. Morris Jones", but it is not the script of Sir John Morris Jones.
iv. Results of Bangor Canvass - estimates and results of election. Particulars are given for all the district (33 altogether) into which the four wards were divided for convassing purposes. According to the canvass, the Bangor vote would be :
George 798
Platt 456
Neutral 172
In the actual election, the figures for Bangor stood :
George 716
Platt 795
Majority for Col. Platt 79
But Mr Lloyd George had a majority in each of the other five constituent boroughs, with the final outcome of a 296 majority over his Conservative opponent.