This folder contains the following theatre programmes:
- Charley's Aunt by Brandon Thomas at the Marlborough Theatre. The production starred Wynne as Amy Spettigue and Coward as Charles Wykeham. Dated 31st Janury 1916.
- A Pair of Silk Stockings by Cyril Harcourt at the Theatre Royal, Aldershot. This play was preceded by a work written by Wynne and Coward entitled The Last Chapter, which starred Wynne as 'Ida Walker'. Dated 20th August 1917.
- I'll Leave it to You by Coward, which starred Wynne as Faith Crombie. Dated 3rd May 1920.
- A Pair of Silk Stockings by Cyril Harcourt at the King's Theatre, Hammersmith. This play was preceded by a work written by Wynne and Coward entitled Woman & Whisky. Undated.
- Where the Rainbow Ends by Clifford Mills and John Ramsey, which starred Wynne as Rosamund Carey and Coward as William. Undated.