Later Wycliffite version of the Acts of the Apostles, except the portion 7: 31 to 10: 6, which is in the earlier version (f. 29v line 14 to f. 44v line 4).
Contents: Forshall and Madden, no. 161. Three leaves are missing: f. 65v ends 'and from þens' (14: 25) and f. 66 begins 'syn vp' (15: 5); f. 71v ends 'spiritt of dyuy-' (16: 16) and f. 72 begins 'kepe ham' (16: 23); f. 84v ends 'to repreef: but' (19: 27) and f. 85 begins 'houris' (19: 34). Prologue, ff. 3-4. In the part of Acts taken from the earlier version there are red headings in the text at 8: 5, 8: 14, 8: 26, and 9: 1, and the word 'eende' is written in red at 8: 9 after 'cyte', at 8: 17 after 'gost', and at 9: 22 after 'crist'. The headings are: (f. 34) The thursdai pystil in witsone weke; (f. 35) Þe tewsday pistil in witsone weke and in commemoracyoun of the holy gooste'; (f. 36v) The fyrst þrusday pistyl after paske; (f. 38v) The pistyl of þe conuersyoun of seynt poule. The lessons at these points are those of the earlier Wycliffite version: cf. Forshall and Madden, iv. 688, 697, 687, 691. 'DEO GRACIAS' at the end, f. 125. Folios 125v-126v are left blank.
Script: Gothic textura. Written space 78 x 50 mm. 17 long lines. Changes of ink, but perhaps not of hand, at ff. 72r (beginning of tenth quire), 104v line 7, 111r (beginning of fifteenth quire) and 122v line 1.
Secundo folio: ke. and to hem.
Decoration: 2-line initials in red ink at the beginning of each chapter.
Description derived from N.R. Ker, Medieval manuscripts in British libraries, vol. III, Lampeter-Oxford (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983), p. 408. By permission of Oxford University Press.