The records comprise the official (signed) minutes and agendas of the University of Manchester Senate (USE/1), registers of attendance at Senate meetings (USE/2), minutes of the Standing Committee of Senate (USE/3), and the standing orders of the Senate (USE/4). USE/5 comprises records of the Staff-Student Consultative Committee of Senate. The records of sessional committees of Senate and joint committees of Senate and Council can be found in USC, including minutes of the Medical Committee of Senate (USC/58).
Senate minutes are indexed and signed (by the vice-chancellor).
Senate minutes are a key resource for the development and implementation of a wide range of issues relating to academic policy at the University. Senate minutes contain information on the employment of University academic staff (appointments, promotions and resignations), university scholarships and awards, student discipline and reports on matters of academic policy. Senate minutes should be consulted alongside minutes of Council and minutes of the Faculty Board, which were ultimately responsible to Senate.