China Inland Mission photographic album

Scope and Content

China Inland Mission photographic album containing black and white and sepia photographs, featuring subjects such as: Boxer rebellion [Boxer Uprising], Schools (e.g. Chefoo School), buildings (e.g. houses, temples, churches, China Inland Mission compound), landscapes (e.g. Yangtze river, Shanghai), missionaries (e.g. Reverend James Hudson Taylor), women, children, missionary families, scenes of domestic life, prisoners, beggars, Indigenous Christians. Detailed captions are provided in English alongside each photograph.


Note that the album folds out and should be carefully accessed from both the front and back (as photographs are located on both sides of each page).

Access Information

Handle with care. Gloves and book supports must be used when viewing this item.


Custodial History

While donated by the Church Missionary Society (CMS), it is presumed that the original provenance resides with the China Inland Mission.

Related Material

See related China Inland Mission papers and photographs (Ref: CIM; CIM/PHOTO)

Corporate Names