Papers of Lewis Way

Scope and Content

Correspondence of Lewis Way with his mother and wife, Mary, 1817-21; letters of Charles Maberley, his secretary, 1817-18; memorandums of his conversations with the Emperor of Russia and Russian ministers, together with papers for the Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle, with drafts and annotations, c.1818; Lewis Way's 'Liber amicorum', started in Berlin, 1817; Way's annotated copy of General instructions by the committee of the London Society for Promoting Christianity amongst the Jews (London, 1824). Four letters of Albert Way to Revd Miles J.Berkeley, 1829-32.

Administrative / Biographical History

Papers of Revd Lewis Way, of Stansted Park, Emsworth, Hampshire, relating to the rights of the Jews in Russia, his journey to Russia to persuade the Emperor of the need to recognise them, and the adoption of the protocol of the Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle in their favour, 1818.

Access Information

The Special Collections Division is available for anyone to use, regardless of whether you are attached to an academic institution. Access to the Archives and Manuscripts and Rare Books reading room, however, is by prior appointment to access the manuscript material. See our website for more details.


The documentation was published in part by L.Way Mmoires sur l'tat des Isralites ddis et prsents leurs Majests Impriales et Royales, runis au Congrs d'Aix-la-Chapelle (Paris, 1819) and is discussed in Nathan Feinberg, 'The Jewish question at the Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle, 1818', Israel Yearbook on Human Rights 2 (1972) pp. 176-93.
