Robert Moore worked in Birmingham University with John Rex, leading to the publication of Race, Community and Conflict (OUP) in 1967. He subsequently held chairs of Sociology in the Universities of Aberdeen and Liverpool. Among his other published works are Racism and Black Resistance in Britain (Pluto Press, 1975) Slamming the Door: the administration of immigration control, (with Tina Wallace, published by Martin Robertson, 1975), Positive Action in Action: Equal Opportunities and Declining Opportunities on Merseyside, (Ashgate, Danish Centre for Migration and Ethnic Studies, 1997) and numerous articles and book chapters.
In addition to academic work Robert Moore has been involved in campaigning against racism; the Anti-Apartheid Movement in Aberdeen where he was also instrumental in the founding of Grampian Community Relations Council, in Durham where he was active in the Tyneside CRC and in North Wales where he is a trustee of the North Wales Regional Equality Network. During the 1972 crisis at the Institute of Race Relations Robert Moore undertook to mobilise academics to resist the Council in defence of freedom of speech. The successful campaign resulted in the resignation of the council and the restructuring of the Institute with a more radical programme. In the course of these events Robert Moore accumulated letters and papers, which form the core of this collection.