This collection reflects Denbighshire County Council's adoption (from early 1999) of a Cabinet style of governance, in line with Central Government guidelines.
Scope and content: agendas, reports and minutes of Council committees.
This collection reflects Denbighshire County Council's adoption (from early 1999) of a Cabinet style of governance, in line with Central Government guidelines.
Scope and content: agendas, reports and minutes of Council committees.
Access to part of some items may be restricted by exempt information as detailed in Parts 1 and 4 of Schedule 12a of the Local Government Act 1972. Each item to be checked by archivist prior to access.
Records transferred regularly from Democratic Services. Access to part of some items may be restricted by exempt information as detailed in Parts 1 and 4 of Schedule 12a of the Local Government Act 1972 (Archives/Collections Management/Access Restrictions/County Councils/schd12a - parts 1 and 2.pdf and schd12a - part 4.pdf)