Holywell Roman Catholic records, 1730-1936, including registers of baptisms, confirmations, and visits to the sick, 1730-1936; Mold Roman Catholic records: register of baptisms, 1859-95; St Clare's RC Children's Home records, 1860s-2006.
Closure Rules - At their meeting in November 2014, the Bishops' Conference passed a resolution requiring baptism, marriage and convalidation registers and other registers containing personal data should not be made available for research until 110 years have passed.
At their meeting in November 2015 the bishops who had not already done so were asked to tell their diocesan archivists about this requirement and ask them to pass the information on to priests and any other custodians of sacramental registers.
The CAS is helping to make diocesan archivists, local authority archivists and others aware of this requirement.