This series largely comprises works by Hobbes, including manuscripts that were preparatory pieces for some of his life works. The majority are in the formal hand of scribes and are either the completed and published manuscripts or draft extracts and unpublished works which made it to the stage of being copied out by a scribe but were then rejected.
HS/A/9 and HS/A/10 are distinct in this series from the rest of the volumes. HS/A/9 was certainly in Hobbes's possession but not necessarily written by him and HS/A/10 comprises the notes by Robert Payne about a draft of Hobbes's "De corpore". For many years, this manuscript was assumed to be a draft by Hobbes.
Major published pieces represented in this series include:
"Elementorum philosophiae: sectio prima, de corpore" (published London, 1655). Portions of Hobbes's major series of treatises establishing his principles of philosophy and key political arguments, which established his reputation among intellectual circles.
"Elementorum philosophiae: sectio tertia, de cive" (published London, 1642)
"Elementorum philosophiae: sectio secunda, de homine" (published London, 1658)
"The Elements of Law, Natural and Politic" (published in two parts, London, [1649]-1650)
"Vita carmine expressa" (published posthumously, London, 1679)
Hobbes likely did not keep his own original autograph manuscripts once a scribal copy or printed edition had been made - certainly none exist in this collection - and so these preparatory chapters and early manuscript copies, sometimes with Hobbes's annotations, provide the best insight available into Hobbes's process of thinking and revision of his work, for scholars today.