The records consist of the following:
- Minutes of chapter meetings (1868-1964), ruridecanal conferences (1925-67), Christian Social Union (Hull Branch) (1911-23), Hull Clerical Society (1927-33), General Purpose Committee (1928-38) and other committees [RD HUL 1-9]. 1868-1967.
- Minutes, accounts, correspondence and miscellanea of Overseas Missions Committee [RD HUL 10-15]. 1920-40.
- Minutes of Evangelism Committee [RD HUL 16]. 1961-64.
- Notes on social case work [RD HUL 17]. 1947-51.
- Minutes, papers and correspondence of York Diocesan Reorganisation Committee: Hull Section [RD HUL 18]. 1941-51.
- Lists of church councillors, lay representatives and rural deans [RD HUL 19]. 1868-1947.
- Parochial statistics and occasional visitation returns [RD HUL 20-22]. 1914-15, 1923-40, 1951-55.
- Correspondence concerning burial fees in Hull cemeteries (1880-1955), church schools (1890-1951), parish boundaries (1919-47) and sequestrations (1948-59) [RD HUL 23-26].
- Miscellaneous correspondence [RD HUL 27-49]. 1878-1957.
- Miscellaneous printed material [RD HUL 50]. 19th-20th centuries.