1. John Lucas of Stouthall, Glam. esq. and Catherine his wife (formerly Catherine Powell).
2. Martha Thomas of Tigrose, Glams. sSpinster.
3. William Rees of Courtcoleman, Glams. esq.
4. Rhys Davies of Swansea, Glam. gent.
5. David Davies of Carmarthen, Doctor in Physic.
6. John Thomas of Llwydroed, Carms. esq.
7. Thomas Evans of Taneralt Carms., gent.
8. Thomas Lewis of Llandilofar (sic), Carms., gent.
LEASE AND RELEASE of Newfoundland, being 66 7/lOOths acres in pa. Llangadock --- now in the occupation of the said Thomas Evans.
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