A collection on the history of medicine formed by Dr C.E. Kellett (1908-78), and given by himself and his executors.
The theme of the collection is European medicine of the 16th and 17th centuries, particularly developments in anatomical teaching and illustration in France and Italy. Built around the writings of the 16th century French physician Jean Fernel and his circle, it also includes the classical and medieval sources on which they drew, and the later writers they influenced.
It contains over 200 items printed up to 1800, and nearly 500 later items, a mixture of secondary studies and editions of primary texts, together with photostats, slides, and working papers for Dr. Kellett's publications and lectures on medical iconography. The older books are mainly foreign (74 of the 16th century), including v. 1 of the very rare second collected edition of Galen (Venice, 1502), Vidius's Chirurgia (1544) and Estienne's De Dissectione (1545).