The content consists of correspondence of numerous Stevenson family members, including relatives through marriage such as Quilliam (marriage to Margaret Christian Stevenson); Woods (marriage to Charlotte Stevenson); Call (marriage to Maria Woods; daughter of Charlotte Stevenson); and Gunton (marriage to Charlotte Woods; daughter of Charlotte Stevenson). Further notable correspondents within the deposit include several Earls of Derby and John Murray, 4th Duke of Atholl (1755-1830).
Much legal material is present such as several court cases connected to the Stevenson family, petitions (including a petition to King George II [1683-1760] from the Archbishop of Dublin) character statement, witness interrogations, mortgages, depositions, corn and herring laws, act to provide for the assimilation of the Manx currency with that of the United Kingdom and deed sales of land for the quarterland of Cowans and Ballakeigan. Other deeds concern the reversion of the family name from Woods back to Stevenson and the sale of a seat in St Mary’s Chapel, Castletown. Grants on land in Lezayre and the Calf of Man to the Stevenson family through Charlotte de la Tremoille are included. An Order of His Majesty in Council regarding Illiam Dhone’s (1608-1663) execution (1663) is present together with a copy of the proceedings before King Charles II (1630-1685) in the case of Illiam Dhone. Wills of Stevenson family members and others connected to the family and estate are also present.
Rent rolls of Balladoole and Ballakeigan, revenue accounts, receipts of payments, bond and securities, bonds of Indemnity, requests of loans and details of the estate are present. Genealogical information relating to baptisms, burials, marriages, separations and travels (India, Gibraltar to Cadiz and a diary written in Italy) of the Stevenson family is included. A book of memoranda and material related to Kirk Arbory Church are also present within the deposit.
Items of historic interest and printed material are included, for example extracts from the Annals of Ulster, Johnstone’s Antiquitates Celto Normanicae (containing the Chronicle of Mann and the Isles), a copy of the Prophecies of St Cyprian, Bishop of Arles A.D. 542, The Chronicle of William, son of George: Battle of Tournay 1745, a publication on the Battle of Culloden 1746 and a copy of advertisement for The Christian’s Manual. Poems (some in French), a sonnet and music sheet for Psalm 110 are present. Miscellaneous items such as a diagram of Vauban’s First Method, a Christmas cartoon and a lock of hair belonging to Captain John Quilliam (First Lieutenant on HMS Victory at the Battle of Trafalgar [1805] and husband of Margaret Christian Stevenson [c.1770-1844]), together with a piece of his shroud are also included within the deposit.