Comprises G. P. Struve's correspondence with G. S. Smith, photocopies of some of his articles in publications, obituaries of him in several sources and a bibliography of his publications.
(1-195) including working materials for D S Mirsky (D P Sviatolpolk-Mirskii) publication in "Novyi zhurnal", 131, 1978, and other enclosures (178, 1973-1982, nd);
(196-220) photocopies of G P Struve articles in "Russkaia mysl'" (Belgrade), "Rossiia i slavianstvo" (Paris), "Russkaia mysl'" (Paris), "Novoe russkoe slovo" (New York), 1922-1979;
(221) Photocopy of G P Struve section from A Beliaev "Ideologicheskaia bor'ba i literatura [...]", 2nd ed (Moscow, 1977);
(222-223) Obituaries of G P Struve: A V Bakhrakh, "Novoe russkoe slovo", 23 June 1985; G S Smith, "Slavonic and East European Review", vol 64, no 4, October 1986;
(224) G P Struve "Utloe zhil'e: Izbrannye stikhi, 1915-1949 gg" (Munich, 1965) (V S Frank copy);
(225) "California Slavic Studies", vol 11 (1980) (includes G P Struve bibliography).