Copy, in an eighteenth century hand, of a charter of Edmund Grindal (1519?-1583), bishop of London, later archbishop of York and of Canterbury.
Grant of the chapel of Highgate and appurtenances to Roger Cholmeley kt (d.1565), judge, for the Grammar School founded at Highgate by Cholmeley, together with a confirmation of the rights of William Hewet kt, alderman of London, Roger Marten esq and other aldermen of the city of London, Roger Carew esq, of Hadley, Richard Heywood of London esq, Richard Hodgews of Highgate gent, and Jasper Chomeley of Lincoln's Inn as guardians of the property of the said Grammar School, and a letter of attorney to William Tarrey of Highgate yeoman and Richard Lathinden of London yeoman as attorney to deliver seisin of the same. London 27 April 1565, 6 Elizabeth I.
Ratification of the same by Alexander Nowell, dean of St Paul's, dated 16 May 1565 and a memorandum that W.T. and R.L. delivered seisin to Robert Harington clerk, and Richard Boyes gent, attorneys of Roger Cholmeley kt, by virtue of letters dated 22 May and 3 June 1565 in the presence of Paul Pope of London, scrivener, Roger Walter yeoman, George Warren of London, goldsmith, Thomas Warren, barber surgeon, William Robinson, Richard Tuttye, Anthony Taylor, Edward Taylor, John Gardner of Shrewsbury (Salop), John Tuttye, Eustace Taylor, Peter Peche, John Tayler, Richard Bartrom, Thomas Seycroft, William Cowy, John Fuller, Anthony Fuller, Laurence Tarrey, William Larrey, Francis Brooke, John Radclif et al.