The collection contains:
Ledger kept by Edward Babb, dentist of Bulwell, Nottingham, recording patients, treatments and costs, 1925-1929 (MS 714/1);
Student notebook containing pages from medical textbooks stuck into a volume, n.d. [c.1900] (MS 714/2)
Obstetric ledger, containing manuscript details of the labours of women living in the area of Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, 1891-1895 (MS 714/3)
Register of nurses (3 entries only), compiled by the Nottingham Medico-Chirurgical Society, 1891-1893 (MS 714/4)
Printed bye-laws of the Pathological Society of London, 1876 (MS 714/5)
Printed list of medical libraries, published by the American Medical Association, 1908 (MS 714/6);
Issue of 'The Daily News' containing article about Eugen Sandow, 'the founder of the science of curative physical culture', 1908 (MS 714/7);
Printed draft 'Memorandum on the Transition to a State Medical Service', n.d. [c.1920-1948] (MS 714/8);
Printed pamphlet entitled 'Everyone his own doctor' produced by G. Shepperley, chemist of Nottingham, n.d. [19th century] (MS 714/9);
Certificate of Thomas Faulkner's attendance at courses in surgical dressing, anatomy, operations and dissections at Guy's Hospital, London, 1792 (MS 714/10).