John Bethune, James III or the Royal Parricide: a tragedy or historical Drama.
p.i [Folded folio sheet bound into the volume(4pp) on this page] an exemplification, in the hand of John Bethune, of an instance of privation of right from his own family circumstances on the death of Henry Bethune with title contested by William Chalmers WS in June 1783, John Bethune being one claimant to the estate of Henry Bethune by right of his mother Janet, full sister to Henry, and Margaret, half sister to Henry and wife to William Chalmers the other claimant. The declaration carries the story to 1819.
pp.v-vii a prefatory letter from John Bethune to Francis Jeffrey esq giving his reasons for writing the play. Signed John Bethune.
p.ix Title page.
p.xi Dramatis personae.
pp.1-7 Historical introduction
pp.1-118 James III or the Royal Parricide: a tragedy or historical Drama. Concerning Archibald Douglas, earl of Angus, in an attempt to revenge the fall of the earl of Arran during the reign of James III.